
Mostrando las entradas de 2019


I grow up in the field so we had a lot of space to sharing whit pets, I remember Rabito my bunny, Patolin the duck, Tyson and Oliver the dog, Tyson was the biggest and Oliver was the smallest. But now I love in apartment in the city and Im sure it is not the ideal space for a animal. I only have a year left to finish my carrer, so when its happend I can move out of city and i love it will have a pet in that moment, i think a small she dog would be great, I love fox terriers. I disagree whit the any research whit animal (medical, cosmetic, clothes, meat industry)  it is a lot of suffer for them, and them doesnt gain anything, I think medical research should be just in human in microdosis, beacause an human can decide if worth it for money or anything offer the reserchers to pay. humans can decide, animals no. Humans know for what is it, animals no. The resulst are for human benefist no for animals. so, leave the fear and take the sacrificy of your healt, don let the animal


I would like to work in evaluation environmental or in a rural municipality; some place where have many topics to improve. I imagine interacting whit local habitants and their customs. For that I would like to work outdoors, walking a lot, lunch in shadow of a tree, cross rivers, get hands dirty, and at end of the day go back at office only for create maps and presentations to share my analysis. I would like to travel as part of my job, but not very much, because I don’t like stay quiet for much time.  I’m considering to work in a government office. My major will be environmental evaluation, because in Chile that topics is full of irregularities and legal and technical gaps, for that I want protect the interest of local habitants against the big companys. Im hoping to make enough money to have a simply life, whit time to climbs the weekends and rest in outdoors. I wouldn´t like to work more than 8 hours at day, because I would like to have time to train two times   every week

My Chilhood

The smell that reminds my chilhood is the inciense of Sandal, that smell was carateristc of my dad´s house in Summer. I remember many afternoons playing whit my father and my dog Tyson, built the tree house or something to jump higher. My most favourite childhood memory is my 10 birthday, that day my dad we take, me and my friends, to the mountain especifically to a small river, and he whit a friend cooks a very good lunch, meanwhile me and my friends play an swim in the river all day. I learn to ride bicycle very young, at 3 years old more on less, beacuse my dad ride motorcycles and I really want do that, so the first steps was ride a bike. I rememeber spend days trying, until one morning, in the family vacations house (in the mountain), my granfather simply push me hill down and me started to pedal for supervivence and I learn how to ride a bike and deal whit the fear. My childhood was very funny and wild, full of adventures and laughs ! 

The best concert !!

Rage Against the Machine at 12 years old, thats rigth in 2010 in the stadiun Bicentenario of La Florida in the context of Maquinaria Festival I can enjoy of the best concert of my life. That day were three band. first Suicidal Tendencies (I dont like very much), second plays The Mars Volta (very good psychedelic rock) and finally Rage Against the Machine. RATM is band of hard rock, with hip hop influence, and a revolution message, even his singer Zack De La Rocca was part of Zapatista´s Army. The atmosphere that day was very energetic, high frecuency and quite community sentiment. In fact when RATM begun play, all the lighs are off, and the people of gallery jump to the Cancha Central (where I was), and colaps, so the people dont have other opcion more than jump to Vip Zone,  the guard they couldn´t stop us ! And just in that moment Zach recited a poem of Victor Jara in honor of 33 miners and crititc the minery industry.  I suppose I was the younger person in tha concert, but t

A country I would like to know

Thailand rock and beach :) The tipical heavenly beach with a drink of coconut plus giants rocks tu climb in the back of sand, that is the grace of Thailand. A magical place for the people who love sport climbing, surfing, diving, and all that very close and cheap, what better ?? And I havent talked about the food yet ! a infinite variety of tropical ingredents, traditional homemade noodles and ancient technique of oriental cooking, wouh ! If I go I will taste every restaurent of every town I visit !... I say town beacuse I dont interested in the big cities. In fact I would really like travel by boat amoung the island and archipelago, and when the boat will not be able I will rent a old motorbike, so old and slow what the children will can run next to me hahaha. I would really like to spend a pair of month in there, to pick the perfect beach and the perfect route of rock climbing for improve my spectrum of movement and style of climbing, all that between relaxing days of sun