The best concert !!

Resultado de imagen para rage against the machine chile

Rage Against the Machine at 12 years old, thats rigth in 2010 in the stadiun Bicentenario of La Florida in the context of Maquinaria Festival I can enjoy of the best concert of my life. That day were three band. first Suicidal Tendencies (I dont like very much), second plays The Mars Volta (very good psychedelic rock) and finally Rage Against the Machine.

RATM is band of hard rock, with hip hop influence, and a revolution message, even his singer Zack De La Rocca was part of Zapatista´s Army. The atmosphere that day was very energetic, high frecuency and quite community sentiment. In fact when RATM begun play, all the lighs are off, and the people of gallery jump to the Cancha Central (where I was), and colaps, so the people dont have other opcion more than jump to Vip Zone,  the guard they couldn´t stop us ! And just in that moment Zach recited a poem of Victor Jara in honor of 33 miners and crititc the minery industry.  I suppose I was the younger person in tha concert, but the most happier ! 

Resultado de imagen para rage against the machine chile

Here the Guitarrist answer the quiestion : whats is the favority festival where you play ?, and he respond: Santiago 2010 !!

And here a video of the jump to Vip zone


  1. I dont know the bands but i am sure you had a very crazy and funny moment because in concerts I went I felt the same you describe.


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