A country I would like to know

Thailand rock and beach :)

The tipical heavenly beach with a drink of coconut plus giants rocks tu climb in the back of sand, that is the grace of Thailand. A magical place for the people who love sport climbing, surfing, diving, and all that very close and cheap, what better ??

And I havent talked about the food yet ! a infinite variety of tropical ingredents, traditional homemade noodles and ancient technique of oriental cooking, wouh ! If I go I will taste every restaurent of every town I visit !... I say town beacuse I dont interested in the big cities. In fact I would really like travel by boat amoung the island and archipelago, and when the boat will not be able I will rent a old motorbike, so old and slow what the children will can run next to me hahaha.

I would really like to spend a pair of month in there, to pick the perfect beach and the perfect route of rock climbing for improve my spectrum of movement and style of climbing, all that between relaxing days of sunbath and delicious food, lying on the sand where I will be able to see my route project. 
Resultado de imagen para escalada en tailandia


  1. Thailand sounds too desirable! I hope that when you go you will take a picture like the one in the post, hahaha. xx

  2. Oh this place look like a dreamer place to a beautiful and relaxing holidays. I hope you can go some day and I hope me too haha.


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